Vows from the men and women of the fire service will be made during a 9:45 a.m. thanksgiving service today Sunday, September 27, at the Mount of Praise Wesleyan Holiness Church on Tudor Bridge in St. Michael.
Acting Prime Minister, Attorney General and Minister of Home Affairs the Honourable Freundel Stuart will address the congregation and take the salute at the parade following the church service.
At 10 a.m. on Monday, a memorial service at Probyn Street Headquarters, Bridgetown will honour fallen firefighters.
During the week, celebrations will centre on fire-readiness, fire-fighting, fire prevention and community relations proficiency in the interaction between the public and the Barbados Fire Service.
Activities will peak with Fire Officers’ Professional Day, a team-building programme, at Higher Heights in St. Joseph on Wednesday and the Chief Fire Officer’s Parade and Awards Ceremony at 3 p.m. on Friday, October 2, at the Arch Hall Fire Station, Arch Hall, St.Thomas.
The annual family-fire-fair brings down the curtain on the activities from 11 a.m. on Saturday, October 3, at headquarters. Attractions include special video presentations, tours of fire trucks, jumping tent, face painting and lucky dip.